Dette er Jangaardens gjestebok , hvor alle våre gjester kan skrive seg inn. SKRIV DEG INN This is the Jangaard Guestbook where all our guests can leave their message. SIGN YOUR NAME |
Bergen 30 april 1998 My father Helge Asbjørn Jangård, and I say`s
hallo. He is visiting me in Bergen and is living for Ålesund tonight. We will give all
our complimentes for the very interesting and educating Jangaard home pages and for the
guestbook. Best wishes from Helge og Anne Karine Jangård. Anne Karine Jangård Selliseth Paradis (Bergen), 5040 Norway - Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 10:16:53 (MET DST) Hei alle kjente og ukjente på Valderøy. Et tilfeldig søk på
"Valderøy" sendte meg bla. hit. Meget trivelige sider. syns e burde få stå på slektstreet Flott side. Flott å finne sunnmøringer på nettet når du sitter på en datasal i Trondheim og
alle rundt deg har bart! My relatives on my fathers side came from Sjoholt still looking for more information
I thought you might have some My name is Gro Blindheimsvik. I'm granddaughter of Bergitte Nordstrand and daughter
of Magnhild and Kjetil Blindheimsvik. My great-grandparents was Hans and Maria Jangaard.
I'm 29 years old and i have two sisters, Mette 26 and Katrine 19 years old. I will send my
best regards to my relatives "over there" who Katrine and I visited in 1994. Flott presentasjon!! I am the son of the late Chris Jangard who was the first of 14 children of Hans
Jangaard. I live in Utah with my wife Jackie and am a school teacher of 30 years. We have
5 children-Deron,Susan,Gavin who are married, Damon, and Andy. This is a wonderful family
web site - so much information! Kul side. Hei Anders. Fin dag i dag. Gøy med skøyter. Heisann hoppsann, midt i
trynet. Flott oppsett. Fann Mikal Eriksen FARSTAD som er ein av mine ett eller anna tipp...
oldeforeldre frå morssida på Lepsøya. Ei grein av Jangård slekta er busett her i byen
?? Svært artig og spennande lesnad ! Flott side du har laga! Du får fikse ei for SBM også! Vi vil takke for invitasjonen til juletreff på Jangaarden på julaften og vil med
dette ønske alle gjester og familemedlemmer en riktig god jul og et godt nyttår. Har hørt om hjemmesida di Arnt, og måtte inn sjå. Fine greier!!! Thank you for a great home site. I am Knut Haagensen, one of the owners of the
Jangaard Export company. We are currently making the history of the Jangaard company, but
we need the history before 1967 when it was still owned by the Jangaard family. If some of
you have any information, please advice. Meget interessant side. Jeg må se nærmere på denne. Beste hilsen Arvid Enstad Ville bare se hjemmesiden din Arnt Flotte greier!!!!!! Great site! I will sign your guestbook now so I can be on same page as Keanu Reeves!
By the way, I am looking for some help finding relatives from Ytteroy...thanks. My name is Tony Head and I live in Cambridgeshire, England with my wife Jenny and
son Stephen. So why am I visiting your JANGAARD guestbook. Well it is because this week
our grand-children have been staying with us. They are Aaron Kristian Jangaard age 8, and
Kaja Poppy JANGAARD age 5. They live in London. Their other grandparents are John Arthur
andOddveig Tyra JANGAARD, who live in Surrey, England. Us ancients think our grandchildren
are lovely kids, with a Norwegian heritage to be very proud of. That's it. GREAT!!! I do family history and research. I am in the learning stage of figuring
out how to put all of my years of research on the net. As you can probably see, this
computer world is a new universe. Your Web site was a pleasure and an inspiration. What
brought me surfing onto your Web site was my search request trying to locate a Denise
Skjong, who used to live in the Oakland, California area. If you know anything about her
or have any ideas how I migjht locate her I would appreciate it. Let me here from you
either way! Thanks, Diana Kinzer Heath Hei Arnt Flott at du har lagt ned så stort arbeid med å forske i slekta. men du
har gløymd sonen til Kåre og Kristin,Harald Camilo. Født 16.11.95 Heia Arnt, Takk for sist, nå sitter Dan og jeg her på nattevakta og koser oss med
de flotte sidene dine! Kos deg så lenge, vi sees!!! :) Hils familien. Kul side Hi! I am Melvin Hans Jangard, eldest son of Hans K. and Blanche Matheasen Jangard. I
am sorry to say that my father passed away April 6. 1997 at the age of 92. My mother had
passed on November 25, 1984. I recently married a wonderful woman named Kathy. She had
discovered our homepage and made copies of the information and brought them to Hans last
fall. He really enjoyed the page as do we. I have three children, David (28), Brant (27)
and Jessica (25). Dave is still single while Brant and wife Kyra have a son Spenser (6
mos.). Jessica is married to Pat Goulet and they also have a son, Colin (5 mos). I
recently retired from teaching in the public school system after 34 years and am now a
personal financial analyst with Primerica Financial Services a member of the Travelers
Group. We would like to hear from all you Janagards! Mel & Kathy Jangard 224 So. 55th
St. Tacoma, WA. 98408 USA e-mail address: Jeg er 13 år og er datter av Ottar Strand og Anne Ruth Jangaard. How did I get here? Cool page, by the way! Hi! I'm the daughter of Ole Urkedal, son of Oddmund Urkedal. I'm 14 years old and
have two brothers Ole Kristian and Karsten, and one sister called Pauline. Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm the daughter of Arnt Johan Urkedal, who made this guestbook. hei. jeg spiler piano og de sangene jeg spier på piano spil er jeg på trekspil jeg
vil hilse til ale kjente og de som heter jangaard HILSEN INGVILD 6ÅR 1A hei jeg spiler fiolin og er 8år jeg vi hilse til ale kjente og ale som heter
jangaard hilsen sigrid jangaard strand Nuestras relaciones comerciales con Jangaard Export AS ameritan que conozcamos su
dirección de correo electrónico. Agradecemos nos la envien. Gracias Fint å se at noen kan bruke internettet til slikt. Jeg er barnebarn til Signy
Solevåg, født Jangaard. Super side du har laga Arnt. Snubla over ho når eg søkte på Sparebanken Møre.
Må jammen undersøke om eg kan vere slekt i Jangarden - men eg trur det ikkje. Snakkes
kanskje ein dag.
Kjekt å treffe slekt på nettet. Hei Arnt! Du har virkelig laget en stilig side om Jangarden. VIRKELIG BRA! NB!
SENDER EN E-MAIL SENERE: Hilsen Staale Kjempeartig å snuble over denn flotte hjemmesiden. Jeg er sønnesønn av Anna
Grytten. Datter av Hans Jangaard. Hei, Arnt! En hilsen fra en gammel klassekamerat på Stud.fag. som faktisk har har
funnet aner blant dine! Anne Helene Knutsdtr. Giske var min tipp-tipp-oldemor. Jeg vil
dessuten berømme deg for flotte sider med mye interessant informasjon. -- Hilsen Arne ® Knut Haagensen, it was nice to have you in Thessaloniki for the DETROP food trade
fair. Realy hope to develop our business in other areas than cod fish. Please, remind
Jannis to keep contact with us. Best regards, Nikos Mavromatidis Hei Göy å treffe på Ålesund via Internet. Hilsen Elisabeth Stokke Thank you to Peter Jangaard for his telephone call. My father, Carl Hanken, was born
in Aalesund, Norway. He and Sverre & Chris Jangaard were partners in tuna fishing in
San Diego, California for many years. My brother and I were also fishermen during the mid
1950's - 1960's. My cousin John Hanken still lives on the island in Aalesund where the
family farm still stands. Hei. Hvordan i all verden havnet jeg her? Jeg måtte nesten bare legge igjen en liten signering... Kanskje jeg er i familie
med dere? :-) Jeg vet ihvertfall at Wattø er et SVÆRT sjeldent navn, og at min far
(Ragnar Wattø) i Arendal, pluss noen aner i Ålesund er de få menneskene jeg kjenner med
navnet.. :-) Hi, kinsfolk! I am one of the twin daughters of Maurice Loe and Bjorg Jangaard Loe
and thus grand daughter of Nils Kornelius Jangaard. Born in Aalesund I live on the
Nesodden peninsula south of Oslo with my husband Oyvind Anker Syversen and our two
children Paal (22) and Pia (17). Great to see the world wide enthusiasm for the family
name! Hello. I`m Jarle. I`m the son of Sveinung Jangaard and Linda Jangaard, and my sister
is Siv Marie. I live on Valderøy an island outside of Aalesund. Hei alle!Jeg er gift med Anne-Ruth, Ruth & Petters datter.Det er fint!Skal hilse
så mye fra min svigermor, Ruth. Hun er her nå. Hjertelig hilsen Ottar Hei arnt En av de beste slekts/historie sider jeg har sett. Fortsett det gode arbeidet. Har kikka på anetavla. Skal prøve å finne noko om Farstad-personane i
anetavla.Helsing Arnold Farstad. Hello Norway ::I am researching my family tree. I have my family lines going into
the 1500's and 1600's of southern Norway so far. They came mostly from - Brekke, Tinn,
Tonn, Hoverud, Vik, Modum, Liera, Valdres, Buskerud, and Oppland areas. There are over
3500 names in my files. Sme of them are -Anderson, Arneson, Arndtson, Bjolgerud, Brekke,
Bakke, Bakken, Dokken, Follinglo, Ellefson, Gra, Gullickson, Hoverud, Kittleson,
Mikkelson, Berg, Swenson, Swiggum, Lindokken, Watrud, Venden, etc. There are MANY MANY
more. I would like to here from you ( My "Norwegian cousins"). Please write,
Thank you- JoyceE-Mail history@execpc.com Goddag!Jeg fikk din adresse i aug.96 ang forespørsel om vår slekti Sortland(min
farmor Andrea Arntsen).Vennlig hilsen Tore Arntsen. Godt nyttår til alle sammen, nå sitter jeg på skolen å har data, men vi har
vikar. Så da sitter hele klassen på internett. Kjempefin side.Inne på en av slektssidene dine fant jeg navnet Gjøsundsæter. I
den forbindelse lurer jeg på om du kjenner til følgende navn; Anne
Pedersdtr.Giøsund(sæter), fødd ca. 1790, og døde rundt 1840. Hun var gift med Knut
Eriksen Helland (1788-1841), og sammen hadde de sønnen Lars Elias Knutsen Midtstrand.
Hvis du tilfeldigvis vet noe om forfedrene til Anne, hadde jeg satt veldig stor pris på
om du kunne sende meg opplysningene du måtte ha om henne.Hilsen Øystein Hole. To my cousin Borge Ousland- Congratulations on another first!!Tom Jangaard & Kim
Farmer kjempeartig side a lese for ei utflytta by-jente med rotter pa Valderoya. Farmora mi
het Elise og kom fra LisagardenSynnove Rotset Kjempefin side, artig a lese for en utflytta alesunder med rotter pa Valderoy. Min
farmor var fra Lisagarden HEI CAROLINE OG ARNT I am the granddaughter of Bergitta Nordstrad,whose father was Hans Jangaard.I am
sending my bestregards to all relatives of the Jangaard family. Hallo. I am Nils Peter Jangaard Loe and live in Ålesund. Iam son of Bjørg Jangaard
Loe and grandson of Nils Korneliusand Borghild Jangaard. I am married to Marit, born
Aspehaugfrom Spjelkavik. We have 3 children, Sindre 28, Grethe 26 andMarius 21 years old.
Finally i would like to wish all visitors of gjesteboka all the best for the new year. Regards to Peter Jangarrd Hello Everyone! Happy New Year! I signed in earlier but now I have my own email
address.I am the eldest son of the Jangaard historian, Peter Jangaard.I am a branch
manager for RCA Records (BMG Music) for the East Coast Canada.I am married to Krista
(Stultz) Jangaard. My wife is a neonatologist doctor here in Halifax.We have two beautiful
children.Kirsti Elizabeth Jangaard, (6 years old) is in grade one, who loves art like her
Great- Aunt Ingrid in Oslo!Thomas Christian Jangaard, who is 4 and a hockey fanatic!We are
watching with tremendous interest my cousin, Borge's trek across Antartica. Please follow
his progress at http://www.sol.no/ousland proving the Norwegian exploratory dominance!We'd
love to hear from any and all the Jangaard connections. Hi,I and the rest of my family would like to wish youa happy new
year!!!!!!!!GREETINGS FROM ØYSTEIN URKEDAL+his family!!! Hei Grethe og Arnt Johan !Godt nyttår fra oss på Slinningen ! Vil benytte anledningen til å ønske deg og dineet riktig GODT NYTTÅR. Har en gryende interesse for slektenes gang og hvordan få oversikt over egen
slekt.Av denne grunn fant jeg frem til denne siden. Jeg kommer tilbake når tiden tillater
det.Ha en God Jul og et Godt Nyttår! Hello relatives all over the world. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new
year. Please send me E-mail.Goodbye. Best regards, Inger Anne!!!!! Hei, mitt navn er Erik Aune. Jeg bodde på Valderøy fra 1977 til 1984. Jeg var da
og er det fortsatt kamerat med din bror Øivind Idar. Søkte på nettet for å finne
Øivind Idar sin hjemmeside. Søkte på Urkedal og da fant jeg plutselig Jangaarden.Siden
jegvisste at det var noe som het Jangaarden på Valderøy måtte jeg se. Jeg ble
overrasket da det virkelig var Jangaarden påValderøy det var snakk om. Dette var gøy,
og det er jo mange som har skrevet seg inn i gjesteboken også. Dere får ha God Jul og
Godt Nyttår både på Nordstrand og i Jangaarden, så får du hilse din mor.Med hilsen
Erik Aune It's Christmas Eve and we would like to say Merry Christmas to Jangaards all over
the world through this marvellous homepage.I am Erling Urkedal, eldest son of Øivind
& Ingrid Urkedal, and I grew up on Jangaarden. Øivind was the youngest son of Malla
& Ole Urkedal. Malla was daughter of Arnt & Johanne Jangaard.I am married to Bente
Rørvik Urkedal and we have 3 children; Trine 16, Inger Anne 14 & Øystein 10 years of
age. We live on Nordstrand , Valderøy.We are now looking forward to visit Jangaarden at
12 o'clock today. We have been invited there by Arnt & Grete to eat norwegian
"rømmegraut" together.Maybe we could arrange a larger meeting with Jangaards
from all over the world some other time ?Greetings to all of You !! MERRY CHRISTMAS !! Pauline sin fødsles dato er ikke 15.des men 13.desEllers var sida interessant... Utrolig å finne stoff om jangaaren på internett! Artig! Ønsker dere God jul! Hello!I`m Caroline Urkedal and I`m 13 years old.I`m the daughter of Arnt J.Urkedal
who made this guestbook.I just wanted to wish all of my relatives all over the world a
merry christmas and a happy new year!Please.....send me a mail!!!Best regards Caroline!!! Hei Caroline!!!!!!!!Dritkuul side du he her.Ej tenkte at ej skulle skrivemej inn, og
håpe at du fer sjå det snart.Hørte at du hadde vør på BackstreetBoys konsert,va det
gøy....???Egentla synst ej at du e ganske søte og du verka veldi kjekke.Å ej he veldi
lyst tel å bli bedre kjent me dej, men eje litt blyge ta mej så ej håpe at du kan ta
kontakt.Ska du på Juleballet på Nestun neste vike...????Håpe de... Ser dej der da...
Klem fra S.E.H. Her er min internettadresse - tar gjerne imot post.Here's my internet adress. I'll
be happy to recieve post. Nå kom jeg endelig inn i gjesteboka!Jeg er datter av Peter Nils Jangaard, f.
101225, som igjen var sønn av Hans Jangaard f. 150572 og var fra Jangarden på Valderøy,
sønn av Kristian og Synnøve Jangaard. Hei, sitter her sammen med Ole og ser på gjesteboka di. Ole er så stolt over å ha
så flinke folk i slekta.Flott side. My mother is Bjørg Johanne Jangaard Hi,I`m Trine,the eldest daughter of Erling Urkedal,who is Øyvind Mikael Urkedals
eldest son!!No,I`m at school surfing onthe net!! Greetings to everybody!!!!PLEASE,SEND ME
E-MAIL!!!!! God Jul og Godt Nyttår Greetings- I have moved. The last time I signed the book I was living in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada. I have since taken a job inMonterey, California. I am the son of
Peter Jangaard, Halifax, Nova Scotia. My wife Kim Farmer is still in Vancouver but will be
joining me in December.It's really beautiful here next to the ocean. I had missed the roar
of the open ocean as Vancouver is quite sheltered. I have already been surfing several
times! The page looks better than ever!Cheers, Tom Jangaard Hei alle sammen!Takk for sist, flott side med mange gjester!! We are so lucky to have such a well done family resource as this. Thank you to all
who have worked so hard to create it. I am the daughter of Leif Lorgen from Lorgja,
Ellingsoy and Laura Jangaard Lorgen, daughter of Hans and Maria Jangaard. I'm married to
K. John Jones and have three children, Olivia Lorgen-Jones, age 20, Seth Lorgen-Jones, age
18, and Lindsey Lorgen-Jones, age 13. I would love to receive e-mail in Norwegian or
English from family members and friends. What a thrill! I'm the only person I know whose family has a home page! Got to run
now.Had det bra everyone! Love, ArleneP.S. I'm not currently on the web either at home or
at work but messages will reach me if sent to dpitts@fi.edu This is my first visit in Jangaard's guestbook. Hello,Im the youngest daugther of Erling Urkedal,the oldest son of Oivind Urkedal.No
Im on school and surfing on the net. My name is Sara, my father is Syd Thomas, and my grandmother is Irene.My family owns
property across the street from Steve Jangaardand my father grew up with Steve. I am
currently a student at Bellevue Community College, and my accounting teacher is Linda
Jangaard.The Jangaard family has crossed my path several times! Hei Arnt!Gratulerer med omtale i ComputerWorld.Hilsen Øivind I. Hi! I am the youngest son of Marit and Nils Peter JangaardLoe, and the grand grand
son of Nils Jangaard of Aalesund.I'm sitting here on Høgskolen i Ålesund (Aalesund
College),surfing on the Internet.I just thought that I should dropin and sign the Jangaard
Guestbook,and I have to say that I didn't know that the Jangaaard name is spread this
wide.Interesting! Well, I have to go now.Bye! This page was a viable source of information as I was trying to contact a Jangaard
who had 'signed in'. Thank you. Hi everybody!I`m Caroline Urkedal daughther of Arnt J.Urkedal and I`m 13.May Britt
& May-Britt are here too.They are 13 years too.Right now we are on school and we`re
out on the net surfing!Good bye for now and see you soon!!!!!!!!!!! Kjempeflott tiltak! Dette må vere eit eksempel til etterfølging for andre gards-
og ættesoger. Interessant! This is a real nice page I used to live in aalesund and my dad's mom came from
Lisagarden on Valderoy Best Regards Odd Rotset Måtte jo se på sida di! Den var flott den! Hello friends and relatives!! My name is Sveinung Jangaard.I am the son of Kjell
Jangaard. My mothers name is Johanne. My grandparents were Marie (Maja) and Kristian
Jangaard.I am married to Linda and have 2 kids, Jarle 14 years old and Siv Marie 10 years
old.Our luck has it that we live on Valderøy, real close by to theauthor of this
brilliant home page. Is there any better?It`s great to learn so much about our family. tøft arnt I'm sitting at the computer at the home of my son Steve. It's beautiful sunny day at
Lake Goodwin. Meget fin side. Kanskje man skal begynne med slektsforskning ?Hilsen en Ålesunder
(med røtter på Valderøy) i eksil./Kjetil Hei Arnt, gamle ørn! Ja no hev eg òg besøkt Jangaarden din. Rota meg opp til
Sunnmøre ein sein nattetime som du ser.Skal seie de hev vorte internassionale. Vart
forresten ikkje så altfor overraska over å finne deg her.Kanskje vitjar eg banken i
neste månad, ja fysisk altså,ikkje på denne nymotens greiene som dei kallar
Intermett.(Mett er forresten eit framandord for meg veit du).Artig sak det herre med gamle
slektstavler forresten.Hels Grete då. Vonar de hev det berre bra.Greetings from
Tigerstadens nye forstad (by), ASKIM.Oddgeir, ex-kollega. Hello, my name is Jaimie Jangord. My great-grandfather is Arnold Jangord. I am 16
years old, I have a brother named Jeremy and a sister named Chelsie. This home page is
really neat and I liked learning about my ancestors, and that some of my relatives live
really close. Carol and I have moved to the beach about 1/4 mile from the Pacific Ocean. We now
have a new internet service provider, that is why I have signed the guest book again so
you would have the correct address. Hello I'm the grandson of Olaf Anders Jangaard. Cruising the WEB with my mom, Linda
Jangaard. Good site. Hello, I am the oldest son of Turid and Harald Jangaard Loe.I live in Oslo, working
as a Computer-consultant for Siemens Nixdorf. I am married to Betsy Heltne, and I have a
beautiful daughter, Malin, born in Bergen 01.01.1991.My brother Bjørn Loe told me of this
site, and how could I refuse to step by and say Hello!!!---kenneth--- Well, its time for me to sign the guestbook of Jangaarden.I'm the present owner of
this ancient farm. It is no longer a farm, a little over 1 acre is left around the
houses.My name is Arnt Johan Urkedal - son of Arne & Mina. Arne was son of Malla &
Ole Urkedal. Malla was daugther of Arnt & Johanne Jangaard.I am married to Grete and
have to children Anders 10 and Caroline 13.It is very exciting to meet relatives trough
this web site!It will be expanded with more family stuff throughout the year!-hilsen Arnt Received 13/4/96 Put here by Arnt Urkedal - Jangaard, what a suprise to find this
web site!!!I am son to Lars and Linnea, I was born 9/18/54. I am now married to Margieand
have two boys. Lars --10 years old and Cory--7 years old. We live inStanwood,
Washington.Is there any way I can help with this site information?From Brother Steve Received 21/4/96 - Put here by Arnt UrkedalMy name is Arnold Jangord. My father was
Arne Jangord and my mother wasPearl Buck. My daughters are Marjorie and Jackie. They
reside inPortland,Oregon, USA.I reside in Edmonds, Washington with my wife, Beverly, and
ourgrand/daughter, Rachel Jangord.I am sending this through my good friend Sally May and
would enjoy receivinga reply. Sally will be in touch with me.Arnold Jangord HELLO, JUST A SHORT MESSAGE FROM MARTIN JANGAARD IN LONDON. I HAVE NOW GOT MY E-MAIL
AND IT IS GOOD THAT THE WORD IS SPREADING! Son of Peter Jangaard. Good to see our great name published worldwide! Ja dette var en god ide Arnt og siden jeg er besøkende nummer300 vanker det vel
bløtkake på jobben. Hilsen en kollega. Hilsen fra Leif og Laura Lorgen. Laura er datter till Hans og Maria Jangaard,
tvilling til Martha. Vi bor no i Seattle, Washington. Dette var en god ide Arnt! Hi JangaardsI'm Robert Jangaard,3rd son of Lars B. Jangaard,son of Hans L.
Jangaard.I live on Whidbey Isl. Wa., Which is one hour north of Seattle. I am a
NaturopathicsDoctor, practicing here for 20yrs. I have been married to Sharon for 25yrs.
We have one son who is 13yrs old. He loves to snowboard, skateboard and play drums.Our
hobbiesinclude skiiing, windsurfing, hiking and gardening on our 30acreestate,which looks
out across the Puget Sound.We are planning a trip toGreat Britain this summer and Norway
next year.We hope to look upas many Jangaards as we can.I also want to invite any and all
of you to drop us a visit....We have plenty of room to stay.Also send us an e-mail at
roja@whidbey.com Thats all for now .....this PAGE is Great Greetings from the rain capital of the world! Two weeks into April and we've already
set a new accumultion record for the month! I am the son of Peter Michael Jangaard of
Halifax, Nova Scotia. My wife, Kimberley Sarah Farmer amd I moved from Halifax in October
1992 and have been residing in Vancouver ever since. I work in the field of Environmental
Planning and Computer Aided Design applications for the Macintosh. Kim works at the
Anthropology Museum at the University of British Columbia. The Jangaard home page rules! Happy to see so many Jangaards already in the guest book. Hope to hear from you all
to update the family history I am working on. HELLO!FROM LONDON .... IHAVE JUST COME ONLINE AND AM AWAITING MY E-MAIL NoS. ETC.
WOULD BE GREAT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ANY ONE FROM THE CLAN! My name is Marjorie Jangord and I live in Portland, Oregon. My sister, Jacqueline
Jangord Reep lives here in Portland, too. We are the daughters of Arnold Jangord,
currently of Edmonds, Washington, USA and granddaughters of Arne Jangord, married to
Pearl, of Seattle, Washington. Our grandparents are now deceased but remain lovingly in
our memories. My name is Gavin Jangard. My father is Gerald Jangard, and his father is Kristian
Jangard--the first born son of Hans Peder Laurits Jangaard and Anna Oldstader Blindheim.
Although my grandfather passed away a few years ago, I have very many fond memories of his
life and think of him often. I am of the opinion that this home page is an excellent idea
and very well done. In addition, I am happily married to SueAnn and have a two year old
daughter, Alyssa. As a friend of the Whidbey Island Jangaards, I am glad to visit this page. As
coincidence would have it, I also lived in Halifax for a year. I am married to Robert E.Jangaard, son of Lars Jangaard who was the son or
HansJangaard. We live on Whidbey Island, in Washington We have 1 son Hans Jangaard age 13
years. I am married to Carol Lord formerly Carol Jangord. Carols father is Carl Jangord.
Her grandfather was Arne Jangord, Jangaard before it was anglesised. Arnt. Dette var virkelig en flott side 15.03.96.Til lykke med dagen, endelig gjestebok på Jangaarden. Gratulerer med ny gjestebok! Håper at mange "finner hjem"til Jangaarden
via Internett. |